Openhouse punya story~*
Hari ni penat balik beraya. Kinda hectic. 4-5 buah rumah pergi beraya tadi, kembung gak la perut ni. So, here are some hari raya openhouse celebration that I attended so far….
Syukri and Hawa... satu kelas masa sekolah rendah. Ni openhouse rumah syuk. Hectic gak lah kat sini..
Yup.. openhouse rumah syuk lagi...
sempat singgah raya rumah Intan Marhaenee.. anak seorang tokoh sasterawan negara, Prof Rahman Shaari...
Ni openhouse geng2 UPM....
Hadoi… tak banyak lah rupanya gambar2 openhouse raya ni.. Rumah auntie, rumah kak huda, rumah intan syaheeda, rumah razwan and some others houses I forgot to snap. Hahaha.. I guess bila dah jumpa member2 lama, I just don’t bother my kamera much~ very much indeed they are more interested to update themselves with latest news [not gossip ok] on how the others are doing. Well, here I would like congratulate Aishah who will be furthering her Masters plus PhD in Liverpool next year doing her biomedical course. [She promise to wait for me and I’m going to sneak into UKM for that~! hahaha… Aishah u wait ha…] also, congratulation to Mar Izwan who will be furthering his studies in Australia doing broadcasting management [hope I got this right~]
All the best Mar Izwan@ Joeblack
And also would like to bid farewell to this guy who has been helping me alot thru the journey of my research. Eventhough sometimes he calls me with nasty names plus he will be mengamuk i put this gmbr-buruk-tak-cantik of his, still i wanna appreciate the good stuffs he had done for me because i am not a peanut that forgets its shell...
Walaupun kau dapat kerja yg lebih baik dan kau eksen tak nak cakap dgn aku, aku tetap nak ucapkan terima kasih banyak2 atas segala jasa kau selama ini. Gambar kau ni buruk sebab kau dok main2 dengan kamera aku dan aku syukur kau tak reti padam serta mujur-lah-kau-tak-dapat-nak-snap-gmbr-aku-tgh-makan-utk-dijadikan-modal-kenakan-aku-lagi,maka ini aje lah gambar kau yg aku ada sebab nak tunjukkan yg aku tetap hargai jasa baik kau. Kesimpulannya, aku nak ucapkan terima kasih...!! Moga kau kerja elok2 di tempat baru. [Jangan main panjat2 dan gayut2 lagi. ;p] Bye-bye Iskandar~~
Syukri and Hawa... satu kelas masa sekolah rendah. Ni openhouse rumah syuk. Hectic gak lah kat sini..
Yup.. openhouse rumah syuk lagi...
sempat singgah raya rumah Intan Marhaenee.. anak seorang tokoh sasterawan negara, Prof Rahman Shaari...
Ni openhouse geng2 UPM....
Hadoi… tak banyak lah rupanya gambar2 openhouse raya ni.. Rumah auntie, rumah kak huda, rumah intan syaheeda, rumah razwan and some others houses I forgot to snap. Hahaha.. I guess bila dah jumpa member2 lama, I just don’t bother my kamera much~ very much indeed they are more interested to update themselves with latest news [not gossip ok] on how the others are doing. Well, here I would like congratulate Aishah who will be furthering her Masters plus PhD in Liverpool next year doing her biomedical course. [She promise to wait for me and I’m going to sneak into UKM for that~! hahaha… Aishah u wait ha…] also, congratulation to Mar Izwan who will be furthering his studies in Australia doing broadcasting management [hope I got this right~]
All the best Mar Izwan@ Joeblack
And also would like to bid farewell to this guy who has been helping me alot thru the journey of my research. Eventhough sometimes he calls me with nasty names plus he will be mengamuk i put this gmbr-buruk-tak-cantik of his, still i wanna appreciate the good stuffs he had done for me because i am not a peanut that forgets its shell...
Walaupun kau dapat kerja yg lebih baik dan kau eksen tak nak cakap dgn aku, aku tetap nak ucapkan terima kasih banyak2 atas segala jasa kau selama ini. Gambar kau ni buruk sebab kau dok main2 dengan kamera aku dan aku syukur kau tak reti padam serta mujur-lah-kau-tak-dapat-nak-snap-gmbr-aku-tgh-makan-utk-dijadikan-modal-kenakan-aku-lagi,maka ini aje lah gambar kau yg aku ada sebab nak tunjukkan yg aku tetap hargai jasa baik kau. Kesimpulannya, aku nak ucapkan terima kasih...!! Moga kau kerja elok2 di tempat baru. [Jangan main panjat2 dan gayut2 lagi. ;p] Bye-bye Iskandar~~
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