'Bright' side of Gomen~*
Hello to all.
I’ve been watching news on RTM this morning. Damn $*#& lah the news. Ooppsss… sorry for the harsh words. Hehe. Why I watch RTM? Because I’m trying very hard to find the bright side of what our government is doing right now. I wanted to be neutral but somehow, the harder I tried, it became worse. Really, come and read through my thoughts here and you’ll know what I mean.
Pagi tadi aku tengok berita pasal kenaikan harga minyak. The RTM is trying so hard to let the people know how ‘nice’ our government is doing by increasing the oil price. Meaning, the increase of oil is good for the country in the long run. And yeah.. am trying hard to support that. Let me see.. hhmmm… minyak makin kurang, so harga minyak naik. Not only in Malaysia but also other countries are affected as well. So I tried to seek the price of other countries. Goshh.. do I really need put those statistics in here? I’m very well quite sure that almost everyone got the circulated info about the comparison price between the related countries. The cheapest is in Venezuela. [mari kita ramai2 pindah venezuela~ plus you got lots of hotties around. harhar~ gracias!] then some more you got the fact that oil is a non-renewable energy. So hendak tak hendak, minyak pasti akan habis kalau dah puas korek2 muka bumi nih. So menda dah tinggal sikit, logic lah dia naik harga kan. Then some more... hmmm.. apa lagi ek? Anyone can help me here? I just want more information on the bright side of the oil price hike.
Ok fine. Based on the data and logical sense, I somehow agree about the fact of the value of our oil and gas. Graded as category A. A collegue of mine who is from Palestine mentioned that Malaysia is very lucky to have such good quality oil while other countries needed some technology to convert the quality oil from grade B to grade A. Hmmm.. there’s a point. But somehow i also agree that Malaysia shud find ways to preserve the remaining oil with technologies that can convert our oil to the regular oil that our country consumes. This way, less import on our oil and we can use it for ourselves. So the price is controlled. Hmm... well, that's another story.
Ok. In my other turning point here is, (reminder : i'm trying to be neutral. p/s-not easy and getting worse everytime) ada logiknya minyak naik harga. Minyak negara kita ni ada standard lagi. So kena faham lah menda tinggal sikit, ada kualiti, harga makin mahal la. Efek pasaran dunia. Kita jual minyak standard mahal, beli balik minyak murah utk kita guna. Jadi bila pasaran minyak makin naik, kena bayar lebih lah. Banyak bunyik lak. Kalau bising sangat, tak yah beli minyak tu. Simpan duit beli basikal. Ubah lah cara hidup. Harhar~
Dari pakai Vios, tukar lah kepada Myvi. Dari yang Myvi, tukar lah kepada Kancil. [eh.. lebih kurang je eh?So tukar kepada motor lah] kalau sayang sangat kereta tu, pi taruk NGV lah kat bonet kereta. Sekali pasang ada lah dekat rm3000-rm4000. Pastu dari yang pakai motor, boleh tukar kepada pakai basikal. Harhar. Tak logik tak logik. Bagi yg biasa pakai motor dgn minyak rm7 semnggu, tapi dgn harga baru ni, baru naik rm10 je. So mampu lagi. Masih boleh teruskan hidup pakai motor. Dan kepada insan2 seperti aku, boleh start amik lesen motor. Beli motor rm6000-rm7000 ribu, masih mampu tanggung minyak lagi. Lagipun, apa nak kesah, rebate gomen kan ada. Kereta bawah 2000cc dapat lah dlm rm600++ setahun. Motor pulak.. alamak.. berapa weh?
I’ve been watching news on RTM this morning. Damn $*#& lah the news. Ooppsss… sorry for the harsh words. Hehe. Why I watch RTM? Because I’m trying very hard to find the bright side of what our government is doing right now. I wanted to be neutral but somehow, the harder I tried, it became worse. Really, come and read through my thoughts here and you’ll know what I mean.
Pagi tadi aku tengok berita pasal kenaikan harga minyak. The RTM is trying so hard to let the people know how ‘nice’ our government is doing by increasing the oil price. Meaning, the increase of oil is good for the country in the long run. And yeah.. am trying hard to support that. Let me see.. hhmmm… minyak makin kurang, so harga minyak naik. Not only in Malaysia but also other countries are affected as well. So I tried to seek the price of other countries. Goshh.. do I really need put those statistics in here? I’m very well quite sure that almost everyone got the circulated info about the comparison price between the related countries. The cheapest is in Venezuela. [mari kita ramai2 pindah venezuela~ plus you got lots of hotties around. harhar~ gracias!] then some more you got the fact that oil is a non-renewable energy. So hendak tak hendak, minyak pasti akan habis kalau dah puas korek2 muka bumi nih. So menda dah tinggal sikit, logic lah dia naik harga kan. Then some more... hmmm.. apa lagi ek? Anyone can help me here? I just want more information on the bright side of the oil price hike.
Ok fine. Based on the data and logical sense, I somehow agree about the fact of the value of our oil and gas. Graded as category A. A collegue of mine who is from Palestine mentioned that Malaysia is very lucky to have such good quality oil while other countries needed some technology to convert the quality oil from grade B to grade A. Hmmm.. there’s a point. But somehow i also agree that Malaysia shud find ways to preserve the remaining oil with technologies that can convert our oil to the regular oil that our country consumes. This way, less import on our oil and we can use it for ourselves. So the price is controlled. Hmm... well, that's another story.
Ok. In my other turning point here is, (reminder : i'm trying to be neutral. p/s-not easy and getting worse everytime) ada logiknya minyak naik harga. Minyak negara kita ni ada standard lagi. So kena faham lah menda tinggal sikit, ada kualiti, harga makin mahal la. Efek pasaran dunia. Kita jual minyak standard mahal, beli balik minyak murah utk kita guna. Jadi bila pasaran minyak makin naik, kena bayar lebih lah. Banyak bunyik lak. Kalau bising sangat, tak yah beli minyak tu. Simpan duit beli basikal. Ubah lah cara hidup. Harhar~
Dari pakai Vios, tukar lah kepada Myvi. Dari yang Myvi, tukar lah kepada Kancil. [eh.. lebih kurang je eh?So tukar kepada motor lah] kalau sayang sangat kereta tu, pi taruk NGV lah kat bonet kereta. Sekali pasang ada lah dekat rm3000-rm4000. Pastu dari yang pakai motor, boleh tukar kepada pakai basikal. Harhar. Tak logik tak logik. Bagi yg biasa pakai motor dgn minyak rm7 semnggu, tapi dgn harga baru ni, baru naik rm10 je. So mampu lagi. Masih boleh teruskan hidup pakai motor. Dan kepada insan2 seperti aku, boleh start amik lesen motor. Beli motor rm6000-rm7000 ribu, masih mampu tanggung minyak lagi. Lagipun, apa nak kesah, rebate gomen kan ada. Kereta bawah 2000cc dapat lah dlm rm600++ setahun. Motor pulak.. alamak.. berapa weh?
Pastu apa lagi.. rumah banglo, boleh jual and beli rumah teres. Yang condo boleh tukar kepada apartmen dan apartmen boleh jual beli flat. Yang flat boleh tukar duduk dalam bilik. Dari yang duduk bilik, boleh tukar duduk dalam stor. Haa.. apa? Tak relevan? Weh.. weh.. nak beli semua barang pakai duit weh. Dari dok bayar tempat tinggal mahal2, baik guna duit tu buat cover minyak. Kata nak ubah cara hidup kan. Kerajaan dah sarankan, ikut je lah.... Bawak2 lah berubah...
Jadinya.. alhamdulillah.... kita kena bersyukur sebenarnya. Kita masih mampu makan dan minum. Masih mampu nak berlindung dari panas hujan sejuk terik. Masih mampu berbaju cukup kain. [kesian kat org yg baju tak cukup kain... banyak keluar kat TV. Rasa nak sedekahkan aje kain langsir rumah aku tu] Aku rasa macam nak cadangkan kerajaan bagi subsidi kain lah kat artis2 kita. Harhar. Ok gak tu. Dari yang kurang baik kepada yang lebih baik. Sarankan artis2 kita ubah cara hidup.
Dari yang kaya ubah cara hidup ke sederhana. Dari yang sederhana ubah ke miskin tapi masih mampu cukup makan pakai. Tapi kan... dari yang miskin.....? ubah cara hidup ke pengemis2 tepi jalan? Baru tadi pagi aku tengok berita pasal nelayan negara kita. Nak keluar tangkap ikan. Tapi 2 hari tak keluar ke laut sebab masalah nak beli diesel. Tak mampu katanya. Lagi satu berita, harga barangan runcit naik, satu keluarga ni terpksa makan pucuk2 pokok buat lauk sebab dah tak mampu nak beli brg2 runcit harian biasa. Harga barang naik mendadak. Tak didedahkan secara official lagi tapi peruncit dah mula bertindak naikkan harga barang2 atas sebab transportation. [tapi aku tabik kat pakcik jual lauk makan tengahari RM2-makan-apa-saja kat Kedah. Memang dasar buat bodoh je dgn kenaikan harga barang. Tahun depan kita undi dia masuk parlimen] Tapi bukan ke kerajaan cakap jangan naikkan harga barang sebab minyak? Laa... korang degil sangat tak nak dengar cakap kerajaan ni kenapa? Potong gaji kang baru tau. Bayar gaji takat awal bulan je, gaji tengah bulan korang tak dapat. Harhar. Aku rasa konfirm lepas ni orang beratur nak masuk rancangan Bersamamu TV3.
Aduhai... naik senak aku. Apa lah kerajaan ingat rakyat ni bodoh belaka...? Dah tentu lah harga barang naik biler minyak naik. Ingat nak hantar ikan sayur naik basikal je ke dari Klang ke Bangi? Sape nak kayuh? Pak-pak menteri? Berapa round nak kayuh kalau nak antar sayur ikan buat tampung kapasiti penduduk orang Bangi? Haa.. kan aku dah cakap nonsense. That’s what i learn from the government that rules my beloved country. So dont blame me for being dumb. [yet a hot blondie.. harhar~]
Lagi satu aku tak tahan pasal berita pagi tadi ni. [sambung balik citer kat atas tuh] RTM dok kutuk kerajaan Selangor yang memberi air percuma kepada rakyat Selangor. Siap berkias ‘cubit2 manja’ lagi cakap ‘jangan berjanji kalau tak mampu tunaikan.. Jangan menipu rakyat nanti jatuh standard sama macam org fasik’. Lepas tu, tiba2 keluar berita pasal ‘kebijkasanaan’ kerajaan mengambil langkah menaikkan harga minyak untuk kepentingan rakyat. Sorry to say, korang ingat rakyat negara kita ni semua blondies ke? Sebagai rakyat yang berambut hitam, dah tentu lah aku suka tindakan Selangor yang beri air percuma, dan aku tak suka tindakan naik harga minyak. Even if i try to seek the matters in a neutral way, tetap aku nmpk mana yg lebih relevan and best tak best. Haa.. korang pikir lah sendiri. Correct or not? Correct.. correct.. correct..
Ikutkan banyak lagi nak cakap. Tapi yer lah... I try to be neutral tapi macam susah lah. I wanted to be neutral, so can anybody help me find ways to see the bright side of what our government is trying to do right now?
Owh ye.. baru terbaca berita pasal DBKL naikkan harga parking merata KL. 7 hari semnggu sampai 10pm. Memang lah murah, takat 80sen je sejam tapi still will effect our daily expenses right? [Bagi yang duduk & kerja kat KL] Eh.. jap2. Look at the bright side. More people will be using the public transport plus less jam on the road. But the thing is, is our public transport a world-class one? [oppss.. expecting too much.. demand lah pulak. Owh mesti lah.. aku bayar cukai gak tau] but i heard they are spending near RM2billion to increase the public transport service. Owh really? I thought i heard that oredi last last year... Ah.. just great! Just when i was about to see the bright side, then here comes the dark side.. *sigh*
So again, can anybody help me here please? The lawyer Zizan maybe? Hehehe~ :p
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