Saturday, September 30, 2006

2C - Cat & Car ~*

Now, this is strange…

Last night, I went downstairs for a drink. I went to the kitchen and open the fridge, took out a yogurt drink and place it on the nearby table. I was at the fridge when I turn around to fetch a glass. When I turn back to get that yogurt drink on the table, the bottle wasn’t there anymore! I was confused. I swore it was there before! Thinking that I may not really took out the bottle, I bend down back to the fridge that I haven’t close yet. Again, I was confused. It’s not there either~! When I stand up, then there it was~ my yogurt drink right at where I thought I didn’t left it. Trying to think of bulan Ramadan, there is no such thing as a ghost, I just poured my yogurt and drink till the last drop. But that was just the beginning…

The clock is tickling at 1 a.m when I went upstairs. But when I was halfway up the stairs, suddenly, my bulu roma meremang. My step nailed on the floor. I was like ‘apa ke hal aku nih?’ I looked around just to see if there is anything strange. You see, I have this kind of guts like ‘no body ever gonna scare me in my own house!’ so, I decided to go back downstairs to see what is going on.. [or rather what is going on with me?] I went back to the kitchen and turn the lights on. Then there it was… a real figure of a white cat sitting on the dining table, staring at me! Immediately, my heart was pounding like crazy! And all my nerve could do was just to switch off the lights! But like I said, nobody ever gonna scare me at my own house. I recite a little prayer, calm myself and truly was ready for any attack from that what-ever-it-is. [And I really don’t know where the heck I got that guts!]

Feeling just a little calm, I switch on the lights back. Definitely as I expected, the ‘thing’ was not there anymore. Right after that, I was sweating like nuts! My heart began pounding again but it was less than before. I didn’t quit reciting my prayers and try to keep calm. [well, actually, when I’m at my most fright, my voice refuse to come out] I quickly turn off the lights, and start my 100 meters race up to my room. I jumped on my bed while my sister was sleeping soundly and yeah.. she was mad cause I suddenly woke her up in such way but I don’t even care she’s mad cause I was relief that she’s awake. My voice still refuses to come out with an explanation and decided to keep it till tomorrow morning. I slept the whole night with the lights on…

A few days ago, I nearly met with an accident. And really it was one lucky incident for me. I was crossing the road with people by my side. You see, I do have some fright when it comes to crossing the road. Since, there were a lot of people; I just stayed close to one of the pedestrians near me. I didn’t even look left or right and just follow the flow. Halfway of the road, I do sense a vehicle coming quite fast from my left. That was when I walked faster. I just couldn’t bear the sound of a car on the road as it will increase my trauma that I already have. Right after I step on the pave way, I could even feel the wind swift behind me before I heard a car hit another guy behind me! I was stunned. I turn around and saw him lying helplessly on the road. A cell phone was lying beside him too. Everybody made it to the other side except him. I wasn’t even blocking his way because he was behind me but a bit on my right. Good thing the car wasn’t going that fast but enough to knock him down and he fainted. No blood on the road, thank God! The driver took the guy to the hospital and there wasn’t much a hectic. All I can assume is that he may be busy on his cell phone that he didn’t realize a car coming towards our way. Maybe. I was really sorry for him and hope he will be alright soon. Everything was quickly cleared and everybody was back to their own business. Alhamdulillah, I wasn’t hurt but I knew, if I were 5 seconds late, it could have been me on the way to the hospital…. =(

Well, just another spice of my life with a strange white cat and a car..