Sunday, July 23, 2006

Thank You So Much~*

“ It takes 2 minute 2 have a crush on someone, an hour 2 like someone & a day 2 love someone-BUT it takes a lifetime 2 forget someone..Syifa..” –Kak Sya

“Ku memahami perasaanmu shipah.. kau harus cari kekuatan baru. Tiada lain hanya dari yg Maha Perkasa. Aku doakan kau tabah, tenang n cepat melupakan dia..” –Fiza UPM

“Ya Allah! Ye ke? Aku bace sikit je post tu. Lgpun minggu ni aku sibuk. Jenguk blog kau tak sampai seminit pun. I’m very sorry to hear this news. Tell me what can I help you to relieve u. Here is my shoulder for you to cry on. Aku pun penah mengalami, so aku tau camne rasenye… Esok kompem aku bace post kau tu each n every word. Insya-4JJI..” –Zaki

“I pray ALLAH to grant u a MIND free from worry, a heart free from SADNESS, a SOUL free from SIN. May ALLAH bless u today..” –Kak Sya

“sabar la ye kak. Dah takde jodoh. Kak Zuraiha kene bangkit balik. Syada tak tahan tgk akk sedih2 mcm nie. Mmg ditakdirkan ada org lain yg lebih baik dari Mapit utk akk. Tak guna lagi akk nak ingat kat org yg dah tak ingat kat akk lagi…” –Syada

“Zuraiha kene kuat. Kene tabah. Mmg akk salahkan Hafiz. Tapi semua yg berlaku pasti ada hikmahnye. Dia tak layak utk Zuraiha yg terlalu baik. Akk tahu satu hari dia akan kesal tinggalkan awk. Akk tahu mcm mana rasanye ditingglkan. Tipu lar kalau kita tak teringatkan dia. Tapi akk percaya, mmg ditakdirkan ada org lain yg lebih baik dari hafiz utk awk. Awak kene bykkan bersabar dan percaya pada jodoh…” –Along

“Sabar lah ye Zurai. Ada laki lain yg lebih utk ko kat luar sana tuh. Ish.. dulu bukan main berjanji2 kat putrajaya dulu… pastuh buat mcm nie pulak kat kau. Sakit ati aku!” –Ajar@Mama Tijani

“Won’t leave u n definitely won’t give up on ya…. Sabar ye kak. Saya ada jer kat sebelah ni. Tahan ye. Benda ini akan berlalu jugak. Sakit ati saya tgk org buat akk derita mcm ni… Please be strong..” –ejard

“Ingat k. Dia Cuma amik hak dia je yg Dia pinjamkn skjp utk ko,pinjaman Nya yg nk uji ko cekal atau x, putus asa atau x, ko dpt bertahan atau x, BERTAHAN ZURAIHA!” -Zatul Iradah

“Bohong je 2. klu betul ko lebih, pasal apa dia pilih juga? Shipah, amik advise aku ni. KALAU KO NANGIS SAMPAI PENUH 1 TEMPAYAN, RUGI TAU! Ko tu pakej penuh,beauty, talented, genius. Meet someone. Biar dia tgk SHARIFAH ZURAIHA boleh berdiri.. plz don’t hurt urself..” –Fadzal

“Balak kau tgh happy dgn awek baru, yg ko sedih2 sgt buat apa? Balak kau tu jantan paling bodoh pernah aku jumpa. Kau tahu tak ramai laki luar sana yg tengah happy giler kau clash? Masing2 tgh persiapkan diri nak masuk cucuk jarum kat kau [termasuk aku.. haha]. Hang on there girl. Be ready for the new world. Don’t give up on love. New ones are coming thru…” -Din

Sebenarnya, terlalu banyak SMS yg diterima. These are just some random SMS that I receive along with many more, all come in one intention~to give me full support. Terlalu ramai sahabat yg menghulurkan tangan membantu aku kembali bangun utk berdiri di kaki sendiri. Aku terkesima...
Eventhough I’m still in deep sorrow and numb but I couldn’t help myself to update this blog just to say how thankful I am to have these great family and friends.

Thank u to nazneen for accompany me tghari tu, the day after the incident. First time dating wif u, glad to meet u in person. Then to ainiah, its ok awk tak dpt jumpa akk hari tu. I know how u worry me but your duty tak boley di tolak tepi ok. To Mar that came all the way from Kelana Jaya, u just don’t know how I appreciate your presence that evening. I treat u badly that day, do forgive me but I know u understand me well. Thank you mar~!

To farezah hanim, thank u for being just at the rite time wen I shed my tears in the lab. Thank u for distracting me away from him a while when u accompanied me to watch a horror movie. Sorry, I didn’t know u don’t go 4 horrors. To my dear big bro iskandar in the lab, thank u for being understanding. I know u worry me like hell and asking anem to come and look for me. Thank u both for standing by my side.
To murniati and fiza, thank u for dropping by that day and giving me all the encouraging words. Jgn la kau menangis lagi Fiza. Now I share what u feel. Terima kasih la korg sentiasa mendoakan aku. Also to Prof Wan Daud, thank u for the advice of an elder. Dan ye prof, kesedihan saya nih takkan menjejaskan projek saya..

To Safiya, thank u for calling me all the way from Langkawi just to pour out your sweet advice and giving me that firing spirit. U never fail to remind me how strong I am. To Fini Ferrina, I know u r always there for me and how I really feel the full support from u dari tingkap belakang rumah kita nie. To Zatul nun di Kedah, pesan hang selalu jer menusuk jantung aku. Aku tahu kau tahu apa nak buat kat aku kalau kau ada kat sini. Thank u sbb approach adik2 aku utk tlg tgk2 kan keadaan aku kat sini. Hang jgn risau sebab kali ni, aku takde nak terjun tingkap. To Ejard nun di Jordan, thank u for the supporting words of yours. To Ajar nun di Johor and A’an di Pahang, thank u for being a dear fren that I know will support me thru good times and bad times. Also nak ckp thank u awl2 kat Miza [dan juga nanie dan mieza-darling] yg masih belom kontek aku lagi tapi aku tahu Ajar akn kecohkan dan seterusnya bakal mendapat kata2 perangsang lagi dlm masa sehari dua. Thanks lar korg~.

My dear family – ummi and mazrah. Thanks ummi for your motherly support. Your tears touches my heart. And thanks to mazrah sebab tak bersedih pun dgn akk. Good thing u know how I don’t like that sympathy look of yours. Advice kau psl fazilah kamsah tu, I’m not gonna jump hurray! [fazilah kamsah’s advice-kepada insan2 yg baru patah hati, ada satu berita baik utk anda. Anda seharusnya melompat sambil menjerit hurray sebab bakal mendapat pengganti yg jauh lebih baik dari yg dulu…] and yeah mazrah, I’ll replace the song Pieces of Me [ashlee simpson] to Stronger [Britney spears]. Go get that song for me!
To Syada, also thank u for sharing what I feel. Akk redha dah. To Along, juz cant thank u enuf for that words of inspiration from u. Kepada mak abah, terima kasih byk2. saya dah redha takde jodoh dgn Hafiz. Rasanya mak tak perlu la nasihatkan dia. Jgn risau, pelajaran saya tak terganggu dan saya nak cari tempat sambung PhD kat oversea, insya-ALLAH...

Not forgetting to thank my blogger friends- you guys are so amazing~!nad,ejard,mando,kamen,neen,zaki,hata,minci,fiza,awe,kaksya, kid, afiq stroberi, hazlyn, [riema mana ek?] { I even met new bloggers- eng, rafique and afiq says –also new bloggers but old fren- sairatul and murniati} Also thank u to many more that message me– pak polis Fadzal, Asma in Jordan, doctor-to-be Norzi, Sai di USM and dear kak Mizah and kak Huda. Thank u also to those who mentioned my name in their blogs, pouring out their concerns for me. And thank u all for the emails especially the one that poured out his anger towards me, being totally mad at me for moaning over a stupid mangkuk ayun guy that doesn’t deserve me. Thank you for calling me bodoh-kinda push me one step closer to get me back on my feet. Terima kasih byk2 kepada pengunjung2 blog ku yg setia serta kepada semua yg tak putus2 mmberi kata2 semangat yg mungkin tak tersebut nama korg kat sini.

Most of all, setinggi2 kesyukuran kepada-Mu Ya ALLAH kerana aku dikelilingi insan2 yg sentiasa menyayangi diriku. Thru this bad times, this is how You send me strength. Ya ALLAH ya Tuhanku, its Your love that I shud seek into and do forgive me for all my sins. Infinity of thanks to you ya ALLAH and I pray for the happiness of all the people around me and do bless them with good health and life. I just couldn’t thank them enuf and hoping You will bring them peace, joy, success and blessings in their life…

Terima kasih lar kat korg semua… Thanks sgt2… tak tahu nak cakap macam mana dah…